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Tag: DIY IoT

Pros and Cons of Building Your Own IoT Platform

There’s plenty of pros reasons to build an IoT platform on your own, but it’s crucial to understand the cons as well before jumping into the deep end fully.
Three angry emojis on a background of colorful wires

The Downside to Do-It-Yourself IoT

Do-it-yourself IoT initiatives can be appealing, but is your company prepared for potential negative consequences? Here are the three major problems you need to watch for in DIY IoT programs.

Detecting People With a Raspberry Pi, a Thermal Camera and Machine Learning

This article will show you how to: - Install a thermal camera, monitor it remotely and capture frames at regular intervals - Train a simple machine learning model to detect the presence of pe...
Pattern on top of sugar packets

Harnessing DIY IoT to Manage Type 1 Diabetes

While there have been major advancements in medical IoT and wearables, achieving truly realtime data and alerts for monitoring health conditions has its shortfalls. With the goal of better managing...
Image of a atmospheric thermometer over an office scene

Prototyping a Smart Office IoT System with a BME 280 Sensor

Rapid prototyping is a critical aspect of product development—especially in technology where end-to-end solutions may cost hundreds of hours of work by highly skilled experts in multiple fields. F...
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