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How to Enhance Your App With NLP Technology

How to Enhance Your App With NLP Technology

Find experienced developers to help you implement NLP into your applications and take advantage of this innovation for your business.
Applying AI for Early Dementia Diagnosis and Prediction

Applying AI for Early Dementia Diagnosis and Prediction

Applying AI for dementia diagnosis improves the diagnostic opportunity for spotting early signs years before significant symptoms develop. 
How Machine Learning Improves Marketing Strategies

How Machine Learning Improves Marketing Strategies

Machine learning can take care of the most time-consuming activities in marketing such as content creation, data organization, and analysis.
Using Explainable AI in Decision-Making Applications

Using Explainable AI in Decision-Making Applications

Learn about AI explainability and why it's important for healthcare, jurisprudence, and finance to justify any piece of information.
Industrial AI use cases

Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing: Industrial AI Use Cases

How we can leverage AI in the manufacturing industry in 2022: Industrial AI use cases involving machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision.
Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

Artificial Intelligence in Marketing: Boost the Growth in 2022

Read how artificial intelligence can be used to streamline market research, forecast sales, and automate content creation activities.
Automotive Audio analytics

Audio Analytics: Vital Technology for Autonomous Vehicles

Audio analytics is just one of many technologies that are enhancing the look, feel and functionality of autonomous vehicles.
Image of Siri components from an iPhone with text that says "Don't sleep on Siri"

“Hey Siri, When Will Voice Assistants Improve?”

“Siri, can you take anything off my to-do list?” “I’m afraid not.” It’s a frequent and irritating experience that we’ve all had. Siri's purpose—to support our lives in every way possibl...

The Future of Smart Devices with Natural Language Processing

The Internet of Things and artificial intelligence are deeply connected. IoT systems produce big data, whereas, data is the heart of AI and machine learning. At the same time, as the rapid expansi...
Machine Translation

Transformer vs. DeepL: Attention Based Approaches to Machine Translation

Back in December of 2016, the New York Times published an article on the Google Brain team and how neural networks have elevated the accuracy of Google Translate to a human-like level. Still, thes...
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