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A Future with Self-Driving Public Transportation

The futuristic concept of self-driving vehicles may not be as distant as you think. And while the idea of traveling in an autonomous car remains difficult for some people to wrap their head around,...

The Fundamentals of Smart Buildings

Four walls and a roof: those are the minimum requirements of a building. We need shelter to survive and we create buildings to meet that need. So why build more than absolutely necessary? Why not b...

Top 5 IoT Solutions for Healthcare Providers

Today, innovative healthcare solutions are becoming widely introduced in medical organizations enabling healthcare providers to reduce costs, improve patient treatment, and optimize workflow. These...

Thinking About Adding Voice Capabilities to Your Product? Consider This

Over the next five years, we're likely to see dozens of devices in our homes embedded with microphones. Today, the Echo, Home, and HomePod are gaining a lot of prominence and third party hardw...

The Connectivity Problem in Smart Homes and Ways to Solve It

According to Statista, the amount of connected products will triple from 2018 to 2025 and reach a massive 75 billion devices installed worldwide. Some of the best solutions in IoT will come to life...

Where is Augmented and Virtual Reality Technology Headed?

It may seem hard to believe, but augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) have been around for more than 30 years. These technologies found their initial applications in the military aircraft arena, ...

10 Ways IoT Will Make Your Product Stand Out From The Competition

The Internet of Things (IoT) has opened up a whole new level of product design and interaction. Anything that can be connected to the cloud, inevitably will be. But that doesn’t always mean it sho...

How Developers & Mobile Providers Can Take Advantage of IoT

Times are changing. The digital economy has brought significant shifts in the way businesses and people function and interact. Consumers have embraced the mobile experience. With Ericsson predicti...

The Smart City Ecosystem Framework – A Model for Planning Smart Cities

What is a smart city? The answer depends on who you ask. Solutions providers will tell you it’s smart parking, smart lighting or anything to do with technology. City officials may tell you it’s ab...

Economy vs. Comfort: Different Approaches to Smart Home Automation, by Country

Until recently, a smart home was considered something of a luxury: pricy and not very frequently adopted by middle-class households. This situation is changing rapidly and experts forecast a drasti...
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