Josh Taubenheim
Lead IoT Technology Analyst, MachNation
MachNation is exclusively dedicated to testing and benchmarking Internet of Things (IoT) platforms, end-to-end solutions, and services. MachNation conducts IoT performance and scalability testing with Tempest, the industry's first end-to-end IoT solution simulator. MachNation also owns and runs MIT-E, an independent, hands-on, benchmarking lab for IoT platforms. MachNation testers, developers, and analysts provide guidance to industrial enterprises, the world’s leading IT vendors, and communication service providers. MachNation participates in many of the world’s most exclusive IoT events and contributes regularly to leading IoT trade publications and business press.
Thin vs. Thick Edge IoT Deployments
Edge deployments in IoT are highly diverse and exist within a spectrum between "thin" and "thick". There are many use cases in IoT where operating in one end of the spectrum is preferable to the ot...