Narin Luangrath, Contributing Writer At IoT For All

Narin Luangrath

Narin Luangrath is a Product Engineer at Leverege who follows machine learning and artificial intelligence developments. He recently graduated from Wesleyan University with degrees in Math, Computer Science and Data Analysis.


Machine Learning Crash Course, Part II: Unsupervised Machine Learning

In part one of the machine learning crash course, we introduced the field of supervised machine learning (ML) by walking through popular algorithms like linear regression and logistic regression. B...

What is Google Cloud ML Engine?

The cloud and machine learning: two phrases with a lot of hype that few people understand. We're intimately familiar with both here at Leverege, so hopefully this article will shed some light ...

Machine Learning Crash Course, Part I: Supervised Machine Learning

Artificial (Un)intelligence When you type 'machine learning' into Google News, the first link you see is a Forbes Magazine piece called "What's The Difference Between Machin...
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