
Future Electronics Offers Real-Time Global Access to Online Inventor

Future Electronics Offers Real-Time Global Access to Online Inventor

IoT For All

- Publish Date: October 17, 2020


IoT For All

- Publish Date: October 17, 2020

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Montreal, Canada (iotforall) October 5, 2020 - Future Electronics is a global leading distributor of electronic components with worldwide headquarters in Montreal. The company is pleased to offer real-time availability and access to their inventory across the globe.

Future Electronics is a uniquely-positioned company in the electronic components sector to continuously invest and grow their inventory selection across all technologies. With three modern and highly-automated Distribution Centers strategically located in the Americas, EMEA and APAC, orders can be placed online through an intuitive online Bill of Materials tool or simply by browsing the company's extensive online part selection.

Future Electronics operates on one fully-integrated global IT platform. Whether purchasing online or offline with the support of Future Electronics sales teams, products can be sourced from their worldwide inventory, allowing its customer base to manufacturer anywhere in the world with confidence and with quality service anywhere.

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About Future Electronics

Future Electronics is a global leader in electronics distribution, recognized for providing customers with global supply chain solutions, custom-tailored engineering services and a very extensive variety of electronic components. Founded by Robert G. Miller in 1968, Future Electronics believes its 5000 employees are its greatest asset, with 170 offices in 44 countries. Future Electronics is globally integrated, with a unified IT infrastructure that delivers real-time inventory availability and access to customers. With the highest level of service, the most advanced engineering capabilities, and the largest available-to-sell inventory in the world, Future's mission is always to Delight the Customer®. For more information, visit www.FutureElectronics.com.

Media Contact

Claudio Caporicci Global Director Marketing Communications & Advertising FUTURE ELECTRONICS www.FutureElectronics.com 514-694-7710 [email protected]


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