
Comparison between the Advantages of various types of Floorings

Comparison between the Advantages of various types of Floorings

IoT For All

- Publish Date: July 28, 2021


IoT For All

- Publish Date: July 28, 2021

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Australia 28th July, 2021 If you make comparison between wooden and other types of floorings, you

will always find extremely numerous advantages of timber or wooden floorings. Many of the citizens in

Australia, UK, US and other parts of the world are installing wooden floors. people who had marble or

tiled floors when decide to construct a new house, they make it first choice to install especially

timber floors there. There are many reasons why people greatly replacing marble floors with timber

floors. here, Engineered Timber floorings, Hybrid Laminate Flooring and Hybrid Vinyl

flooring will be discussed.

  • Affordability: Hybrid Vinyl Flooring is affordable as compared to engineered timber, while hybridlaminate flooring is mostly cost-effective.
  • Designs and color range: Hybrid Vinyl and laminate floors are come in more than 100 colors andstyles.
  • Water resistance: Hybrid Vinyl and timber floors are waterproof, whereas laminate floors are not.
  • Durability: all three types of timber floorings are durable due to their hard surface.
  • Maintenance: The timber floors are easy to clean and maintain. you can do brooming and moping toclear the floor. But, do not use excess water while moping. Do not use chemicals while cleaning. Theycan reduce the beautiful appearance of floors.
  • Comfort: All Timber floors are easy to walk and play. They are not toxic. There is no risk toslipping like in the case of tile and marble floorings.
Therefore, due to these causes, Timber Floors

are loved by the individuals at homes and offices.

Always secure these floors from extreme cold and hot weathers. Moreover, termite can also damage

the floors.

Other types of floorings which are gaining popularity in Australia and other nations are Hampton

Oak floors, Heritage oak floors, Herringbone, Eco Oak etc.

Harmony Timber Floors are the great dealers of various kinds of floorings of high-quality

which you cannot find anywhere. They have exceptional installation services too. For more details,

visit: https://www.harmonytimberfloors.com/hybrid-vinyl/

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