
Virginia Fill Dirt Contractor Provides Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas

Virginia Fill Dirt Contractor Provides Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas

IoT For All

- Publish Date: December 13, 2020


IoT For All

- Publish Date: December 13, 2020

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Annandale, Virginia (iotforall) December 7, 2020 - The Virginia fill dirt contractors at Dirt Connections recently released a blog listing small backyard landscaping ideas to consider in 2020. Though homeowners with smaller backyards may feel limited in their options, there are many ways to transform a backyard no matter the size.

When designing your backyard, consider building up instead of out. Container gardens attached to walls can expand your area, and hanging planters attached to beams, eaves, and wall hangers add trendy visual interest. Small yards are no reason to avoid trees and other large plantings. Choose tall, thin plants, such as evergreens or palm trees, which will provide lush landscaping without taking up too much space. Incorporating levels can also maximize space, so use fill dirt to create extra room above your yard for gardening or a small patio. Stick with small tables, chairs, and other furniture, and make sure it's portable and easily removed if necessary. Finally, add texture whenever possible. Layers of plants in varying shapes and sizes can add visual interest in tight spaces. These ideas are just the start of the many projects you can undertake to revitalize your backyard.

Though most of these projects can be completed on your own, obtaining the help of a professional contractor can be beneficial. A contractor can help you choose the right materials for your project, provide expert advice on how to proceed, and even help you clear your space after the work has been completed. Contractors may also be able to assist in completing trickier projects, such as pool removals and home remodeling.

Speak with Dirt Connections or more landscaping ideas and to obtain fill dirt for your landscaping projects. Dirt Connections provides free consultations, site inspections, and fill dirt delivery for DIY projects. Its experienced contractors will advise you on how much dirt is needed but will also haul away any unused dirt at the end of your project for fast cleanup. To schedule a delivery, visit Dirt Connections online at https://www.dirtconnections.com/, or call 703-940-9949 for more information. They are headquartered at 11325 Random Hills Road, Suite 360-A211, Fairfax, VA 22030.

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