
A great way to manage your Screenshots and Bookmarks

A great way to manage your Screenshots and Bookmarks

IoT For All

- Publish Date: May 6, 2021


IoT For All

- Publish Date: May 6, 2021

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Canada 04.05.2021. You search many things on web browsers like Google chrome and firefox and take screenshot of the required page which you cannot download.

In this contemporary world, there are many vocations in which screenshots extensions are used. They can be web developers, student, or an entrepreneur.

Sometimes, you take a full screenshot of your desktop screen and also save a number of bookmarks to use them offline. But, you become unable how to manage and organize them properly. For this, you are required to take the help of screenshot extension tools.

Yizy is a website which can assist you in organizing and sorting:

Saved screenshots



They work for chrome and firefox in screenshot extensions.

You can also watch the video uploaded on their website in which they mention the whole procedure how they work with screenshot. They can modify it according to your need and requirement. For instance, removing the text, removing the background of text or character. Like this you can ask them which portion you desired or to be removed in the screenshot.

Many developers and graphic designers use it to get the ideas about color pallets, CSS codes and design ideas because of to quickly generate high-resolution screenshots.

There are also many other websites and applications which are used for screenshots extension but their memberships are so much expensive. But Yizy is one of the best in its functioning, resolution and time effective quality.

Screenshots are integral part of every profession. They are taken to save your preferred pages so that you can consider them later. But can you take a screen capture of a website? You definitely say NO, but this can be possible with Yizy. You can read the instructions and whole process which they mention on their official website under blog section. For more details, visit: https://yizy.io

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