
Importance of food training certification for whole hospitality industry

Importance of food training certification for whole hospitality industry

IoT For All

- Publish Date: April 23, 2021


IoT For All

- Publish Date: April 23, 2021

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Ireland 21.04.2021. In present era, inhabitants are so much concerned about their health and safety. They always like to eat food at the restaurants which are hygienic and safe. Due to which it becomes more crucial for restaurants to well-organize their items. Not only for employees, but also for owners the training of food safety and hygiene is essential.

What is in food safety training course?

Food safety training courses, the candidates are taught various lessons and trainings to avoid damages and hazards during preparation of food. They also learn how to maintain sanitation at workplace.

Why you should involve in food safety training program?

There are lots of benefits if you work in food sector and take training courses.

  • It helps to manage and organize the health safety.
  • It prevents all the employees to be infected and sick from diseases.
  • It helps to avoid minor to major incidents normally happened in cooking.
  • It helps to reduce the money spend on injuries, accidents and sicknesses.
At Guardian Safety you can learn a unique methodology in Ireland, to train your staff in all types of food safety and food hygiene. Moreover they also provide the certificate of HACCP which is so much vital for all restaurants and food centers. They have advanced training center which includes computer equipments for excellent experience.

They offer 5 levels of training courses at their institute which are as follows:

  1. Basic food safety training course FSAI Level-1
  2. Food safety hygiene- introduction to HACCP level-2
  3. HACCP Training Level-3
  4. Handling food hygienically training course Level-4
  5. Workplace food safety and hygiene Level-5
Facilities provided to their clients during training:
  • Onsite cafĂ©
  • Refreshments such as tea/coffee
  • Free parking
Apart from these, they can give you choice whether you want to be trained at their campus or at your own premises. They can also provide online classes in case you have no time to go there.

Hence, if you want to attract more customers to your restaurant, then food safety and hygiene training courses are must. Despite this, food inspection officer can come and inspect the qualification and certification of your employees. For more details, visit: https://food-safety.ie/haccp/

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