
Kneo Presents a MAPP TRAIL Solution to Mitigate the effect of product recalls

Kneo Presents a MAPP TRAIL Solution to Mitigate the effect of product recalls

Guest Author

- Publish Date: January 31, 2023

Guest Author

- Publish Date: January 31, 2023

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In recent years, there has been a significant increase in product recalls in the automotive industry.  In the automotive industry where many recalls have happened, the client wants to understand which batch was a problem & which vendor has done this mistake. The client experiences a higher cost of poor quality.  In case of product recalls or customer complaints, the client needs an IIoT Solution to have a process and part tracking.

By considering these concerns KNEO Automation Implemented a MAPP TRAIL solution that tracked the parts as they came into the factory, went through each process, and eventually dispatched.

MAPP Track and Trace, this paperless and fully integrated solution will help manufacturers gain greater control over product and process quality and respond to customer demands.

Implementation of a traceability solution enabled timely recall of defective parts, once an issue was identified. Customer satisfaction improved.

By knowing the concerns quickly material wastage and spoilage can be avoided. That will improve the visibility on the shop floor.


  • Resolve Concerns rapidly
  • Enable better visibility and quality control in the overall process.
  • Avoid material wastage.
  • Better visibility of Work-In-Process inventory on the shop floor
  • Timely recall of defective parts, once the issue was identified.
Discover how KNEO Automation can help to track and mitigate the effects of product recalls in the Automotive Industry. Go to https://bit.ly/3HfPn6V and contact us today.

About Kneo:

Kneo has been engaged in the field of industrial automation in various sectors of the economy like Automotive, Food and beverages, Textile, Process, etc. Along with Automation operations, they are also providing solutions in the IT- OT domain.

Kneo helps in automating processes with various Industrial automation services. Their Industry 4.0 solution includes a Performance monitoring system, an advanced scheduling module, a track and trace module etc.

Excerpt: Track and mitigate the effects of product recalls in the Automotive Industry with MAPP TRAIL Solution

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