
Kwick High Tech & Solutions Limited leading IT solution providing company got license to launch 433 &900MHZ

Kwick High Tech & Solutions Limited leading IT solution providing company got license to launch 433 &900MHZ

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- Publish Date: October 12, 2022

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- Publish Date: October 12, 2022

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Kwick High Tech & Solutions (Pvt) Ltd (KHTS) is Pakistan leading IT & S&T solutions providing company. We have provided solutions to Telecommunication, financial & Public sectors. KHTS feels pride to announce that it has obtained LPWAN license from Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) for integration of Smart Agri, Smart Cities, Smart health & Smart buildings with IoT sensors working in PTAs authorized 433MHz and 900MHz bands. Moreover this LPWAN license will enable us to integrate eSIM and iSIM based networks with IoT devices on LPWAN. KHTS enjoys the global partnership with world’s renowned telecomm, IT and IoT market giants, with collaboration of which, our company will launch the projects related to above mentioned domains to keep Pakistan in pace with latest technological trends. In addition to this, we have made a lucrative deployment of Biometric solution for the issuance and SIM re-verification project of Biometric Verification System (BVS). Further we have provided Biometric solutions to Banking, Financial & government in Pakistan. Moreover, we also provide high end 3D printing/ scanning services and are high tech chip wafer technology provider. Kwick High Tech is ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 20000 & ISO 14001 & CMMI certified company.

Excerpt: Kwick got LPWAN /NB-IOT license from regulator for integration of Smart Agri, smart cites 433 MHZ & 900 MHZ band across the country.

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