LSP Tomedes integrates SEO and website translation services into comprehensive suite
- Publish Date: April 15, 2022
IoT For All
- Publish Date: April 15, 2022
HOLON, Israel, 04/15/2022—Leading global translation services provider Tomedes recently announced the integration of their SEO and website translation services under a more comprehensive website localization suite.
The move comes as part of a broader shift in the company’s strategy to start providing more comprehensive service packages for its business clients.
“Businesses today are becoming leaner, more dynamic in focus,” says CEO Ofer Tirosh. “To achieve the most effective growth, they see the value in outsourcing critical auxiliary functions to other companies in relevant industries.”
Language and translation is one of these industries. “Our services are difficult to effectively replicate by other companies in-house, which is why businesses look to us to provide them,” Tirosh explains. “The language industry needs to meet this demand, and we at Tomedes have seen that we need to provide more comprehensive solutions in order to do so.”
SEO services are a natural fit beside website translation, as these two play important roles in putting a website in front of a global audience. SEO places a website in front of more eyes by moving it up the search rankings, while translation is a major factor in attracting and retaining a solid following in different languages.
According to Tirosh, bringing these two services together is more than just providing added value. “We train our teams to provide these solutions as an integrated service,” he says, “which means it is more efficient to an exponential degree than when they are provided separately.”
The company considers this move a barometer of trends in the broader global business scene that are of interest to the language industry, but Tirosh is confident about the direction they are taking. “How this shift may pan out remains to be seen, but I believe our observations are well-founded, and our response will be met with success.”
Press Contact:
Tomedes Ltd.
26 Harokmim St.
Azrieli Business Center, Building C, 7th Floor
Holon 5885849, Israel
Call: +972 (0)72 220 0700
Email: [email protected]
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