
RAINBOW Use Cases Video – Press release

RAINBOW Use Cases Video – Press release

IoT For All

- Publish Date: May 6, 2022


IoT For All

- Publish Date: May 6, 2022

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                   RAINBOW H2020 Project


Responsible for Communication: [email protected]

Responsible for Dissemination: [email protected]


                                   "RAINBOW Use Cases Video is OUT!"

The second VIDEO of RAINBOW is a FACT and is now available! RAINBOW’s consortium releases the second video of the project, one that aims to inform the public about the use cases of RAINBOW.

The new video, entitled "RAINBOW Use Cases", is the second of a series of videos which seek to introduce and explain all aspects of the project to our audience.

The RAINBOW Fog Computing platform will be evaluated and validated through a set of Use Cases, inspired by state-of-the-art applications. This production, focuses in descripting the three project demonstrators, their challenges and the impact of RAINBOW in each of them:

  • The first Use Case concerns the Collaboration between Humans and Robots in Industrial Ecosystems
  • The second Use Case regards Digital Transformation of Urban Mobility
  • The third Use Case is about Power Line Surveillance via Swarm of Drones
The “RAINBOW Use Cases” video is publicly available through RAINBOW’s YouTube channel and can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfUdegKEhWI&t=104s



The vision of RAINBOW is to design and develop an open and trusted fog computing platform that facilitates the deployment and management of scalable, heterogeneous and secure IoT services and cross-cloud applications (i.e., microservices). RAINBOW falls within the bigger vision of delivering a platform enabling users to remotely control the infrastructure that is running, potentially, on hundreds of edge devices (e.g., wearables), thousands of fog nodes in a factory building or flying in the sky (e.g., drones), and millions of vehicles travelling in a certain area or across Europe. RAINBOW aspires to enable fog computing to reach its true potential by providing the deployment, orchestration, network fabric and data management for scalable and secure edge applications, addressing the need to timely process the ever-increasing amount of data continuously gathered from heterogeneous IoT devices and appliances. The developed solution will provide significant benefits for popular cloud platforms, fog middleware, and distributed data management engines, and will extend the open-source ecosystem by pushing intelligence to the network edge while also ensuring security and privacy primitives across the device-fog-cloud-application stack.

RAINBOW has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation under grant agreement No. 871403.

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