It’s been awhile since I talked about our gateway drug to Alexa Skill building — the Ubi Portal skill. With this skill, you can create a mock custom Alexa skill in two minutes. If you have an API, you can quickly test accessing it through an Alexa product.
What you’ll need:
- An Echo (any of them) or, if you don’t have one, an Android phone and the Ubi App
- A free account at
- Enabling the Ubi Portal Skill at
- Log in to
- Select “Lessons” and click New Lesson
- For trigger, select Alexa Utterance
- Enter the text for your custom phrase (e.g. “open sesame”)
- Select an action (a voice response, text message, email, HTTP request) and enter the information. BONUS: you can enter more than one.
- Click Save to Ubi
- Back at your Echo, say “Ask Portal” or “Tell Portal” and whatever you entered for your custom phrase
- Revel in the glory of your mock skill!
Need some help? Check these out these videos…