How To Prototype an Alexa Skill in Two Minutes

Yes, two minutes!

Leor Grebler
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It’s been awhile since I talked about our gateway drug to Alexa Skill building — the Ubi Portal skill. With this skill, you can create a mock custom Alexa skill in two minutes. If you have an API, you can quickly test accessing it through an Alexa product.

What you’ll need:


  1. Log in to
  2. Select “Lessons” and click New Lesson
  3. For trigger, select Alexa Utterance
  4. Enter the text for your custom phrase (e.g. “open sesame”)
  5. Select an action (a voice response, text message, email, HTTP request) and enter the information. BONUS: you can enter more than one.
  6. Click Save to Ubi
  7. Back at your Echo, say “Ask Portal” or “Tell Portal” and whatever you entered for your custom phrase
  8. Revel in the glory of your mock skill!

Need some help? Check these out these videos…



Leor Grebler
Leor Grebler
Leor Grebler is co-founder and CEO of Unified Computer Intelligence Corporation (UCIC), a company dedicated to bringing voice interaction to hardware. Leor steers UCIC towards its goal of making interaction with technology more human and natural.
Leor Grebler is co-founder and CEO of Unified Computer Intelligence Corporation (UCIC), a company dedicated to bringing voice interaction to hardware. Leor steers UCIC towards its goal of making interaction with technology more human and natural.