
Digital twin Vs. Metaverse: two changing worlds

Digital twin Vs. Metaverse: two changing worlds

IoT For All

- Publish Date: September 9, 2022


IoT For All

- Publish Date: September 9, 2022

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digital twin is n virtual representation of a physical object in the digital world. It takes a physical object and creates a replica of it in the digital world. But this is nothing new, as digital recreation/representation technology has been around for a long time. The difference in digital twins technology is that the digitally recreated object is fed real-time data from the real-world object to accurately and precisely imitate its actions and responses. Sensors on the object collect relevant data and feed it to the processing system, which then relays it to the digital representation. This system will be use to mimic and predict the actions and responses of real-world objects. Thus, digital twin technology enables us to create strategic products while avoiding costly mistakes.

The global digital twin market in 2021 was $6.5 billion, and it will reach $125.7 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 39.48% in 2021-2030.

The metaverse technology represents a vast virtual world in which everything and everyone interacts in the same way that we would in the real world. After several cryptocurrency networks adopted the technology, the metaverse concept gained much traction. Virtual reality becomes a persistent virtual environment even when you are not interacting with it, thanks to metaverse technology. Furthermore, the metaverse has its digital economy where users can create, buy, and sell products. It is also interoperable, allowing users to transfer virtual objects such as clothing or cars from one platform to another. People in the metaverse can have their own virtual identities, avatars, and possessions, allowing them to create a virtual persona they can carry with them wherever they go.

According to a PC Magazine study, 52% of global Internet users join the metaverse for job opportunities, 48% for art. And live entertainment, 44% for financial investment, 40% for education, 32% for online dating and socializing, and 29% for gaming.

The metaverse market size in 2022 was $47.48 billion in 2022, and by 2030 it will reach USD 678.80 billion at a CAGR of 39.44%.

Difference between digital twin and metaverse

The first difference is that “metaverses necessitate a level of immersion that digital twins do not.” While anyone in the real world can use digital twins, metaverses typically require users to immerse themselves by entering a virtual space. That also implies that there is some level of accessibility separating the two.

Second, and this is entirely subjective, the metaverse has lower visual quality than digital twins.

Metaverses can be built from the ground up because they are not bound to any physical asset. Digital twins, on the other hand, require the mirroring of an object or process, which is related to sensors.

Metaverses can be built from the ground up. There is another aspect that separates metaverses from digital twins. They are information. Data integration is the life and death of digital twins. Real-time data is depict by attaching sensors to a physical asset and connecting it to its virtual counterpart. Metaverses do not necessarily require sensor data to exist independently, though the ability to connect with real-time data may be available in the future.

Despite their differences, digital twins play a significant role in the metaverse. Pulling a digital twin into the metaverse allows people to recreate it in its entirety with live data and place it in the rest of the rendered world. Where live data is also fed, which means that it will operate or behave exactly as it would in the real world, such as living, working, and playing alongside each other, and digital twins will be the foundations upon which the metaverse will be built.


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