Hackster.io’s Impact Summit is a free two-day virtual event dedicated to inspiring developers, connecting organizations, and accelerating technological innovation. This year’s topic targets initiatives that measure, monitor, and protect our earth’s air and water supply.
Join us for two days of inspirational keynote sessions, informative panel discussions, in-depth workshops, and community spotlights. See how experienced engineers have used open-source technologies in their projects to protect air and water resources. Likewise, you’ll hear from industry thought leaders on how they’re paving the way for new innovations to solve global problems including climate change, rising sea levels, pollution, and declining wildlife populations.
Attend sessions guided by leading engineers from our sponsors including Nordic Semiconductor, Microsoft, Seeed Studio, Edge Impulse, and Avnet. These companies are enabling developers across the globe to take their solutions to the next level when protecting our environment.
Cheer on your fellow makers and developers who will showcase their projects that solve air and water supply problems. Finally, network with emerging engineers who’ve developed unique projects that are making positive impacts on their local communities and ecosystems.
Make an impact on your local community by registering for our Hackster.io Impact Summit now, and get ready to learn how you can enhance your skills to preserve air and water resources.