Getting connected products to market can be daunting: there are many interrelated components owned by many different teams inside and outside your organization. Conveying the big picture and selling the entire organization on your vision can be overwhelming. That’s where a comprehensive and compelling IoT roadmap comes into play. This webinar will outline the secrets of developing a world-class roadmap, and how you can use this roadmap to get to market and win.

In this session you will learn:

  • Why IoT is so difficult for so many firms, and why it doesn’t need to be that way
  • The importance of a good roadmap when developing an IoT product
  • The 7 stages of the IoT product development lifecycle and the importance of each one
  • The 4 phases of the organizational IoT Journey and what it means for your firm
  • How to put together a successful roadmap and use it to lead your organization forward
SpinDance is a full-stack IoT consultant and engineering company that architects, builds, and manages the software that powers today’s connected smart products.
SpinDance is a full-stack IoT consultant and engineering company that architects, builds, and manages the software that powers today’s connected smart products.