The Internet of Things is rapidly changing how we interact with our customers and putting new demands on the enterprise. In order to compete, you need a strategic approach built on a solid, IoT-centric value proposition and business model. This webinar will explain the importance of Value Proposition Design, survey proven IoT business models, and then explain the simple-to-use framework SpinDance uses to create a winning IoT strategy.

In this session you will learn:

  • What IoT is and Where it is Going
  • The Benefits of IoT to your Customer and your Business
  • Explain what Value Proposition Design is, and why it’s essential for your IoT strategy
  • Survey the common types of IoT Business Models
  • How SpinDance’s IoT Value Proposition Canvas simplifies the value proposition process
  • How to Start or Accelerate Your IoT Journey after you’ve crafted your own Value Proposition
SpinDance is a full-stack IoT consultant and engineering company that architects, builds, and manages the software that powers today’s connected smart products.
SpinDance is a full-stack IoT consultant and engineering company that architects, builds, and manages the software that powers today’s connected smart products.