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Tag: cybercriminal

How to Ramp Up Your Smart Home and IoT Device Security

The same way you’d use a smart lock to keep lurkers out, you need to protect against cybercriminals from getting into your network.
IMage of fingerprints over Python code that says "HACKED BY"

Code Stylometry: How AI Could End Anonymous Hacking

Hackers are an ever-present threat today. New code stylometry machine learning algorithms are able to de-anonymize hackers based on style.
Image of an Amazon Echo Getting Hacked

The Evolution of IoT Hacking

IoT hacking has become a low-effort, high-reward for cybercriminals. Manufacturers and operators must prioritize security standardization to manage risks.
Image of a open workspace at a large company

IoT Is Driving 3 Enterprise IT Trends

The adoption of connected devices has exploded recently. Gartner estimates that 25 billion “things” will be connected to the internet by 2020. Just as hiring troves of new people and scaling ...
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