Ken Briodagh
Ken loves all forms of technology, because he's into fantasy more than sci-fi and even Arthur C Clarke admitted that "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." So, where's that wand of Magic Missiles, Elon? He's particularly interested in the potential for Internet of Things technology to have a profound positive impact on the lives of people.
Decentralization at Scale: It’s Time to Bring IoT and Blockchain Together
Is the future of low-power connectivity for Consumer IoT and Industrial IoT use cases associated with decentralization and blockchain?
Urban Farming Brings Feast to Famine and Reduces Environmental Impact
The demand for fresh food is growing and Urban Farming might be a key part of the solution to the impact on environmental sustainability.
Where Energy Harvesting Can Have the Most Impact
One solution to battery life is through harvesting energy from the environment around the device and using that to recharge the batteries or provide power directly.